The Tribal Training and Certification Partnership that provides education about the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act (MIFPA) to Minnesota’s child welfare workforce. ICWA is a federal law that needs to be applied to cases involving American Indian children. MIFPA is Minnesota’s codified version of ICWA that provides higher protection to American Indian children, families, and tribal nations. MIFPA is a State law that all social workers need to be knowledgeable about so that it can be correctly applied to ICWA cases. Proper application is beneficial to all parties concerned.
ICWA was passed in 1978 due to the disproportionate removals of American Indian children from their families and Tribal nations. MIFPA was passed in 1986 and amended in 2015 to address continuing disparities of American Indian children in out of home placement in Minnesota. Improper application of ICWA and MIFPA negatively impact American Indian families in the child welfare system, and the need for training is paramount. The foundation and advanced training offered by the Tribal Training and Certification Partnership delivers American Indian worldview perspectives, skill building, and application of learning for social workers. It is critical for social workers to understand the reasons leading to passage of these federal and state laws as well as to know how to implement them and work in partnership with tribal nations and American Indian families.